Value Engineering

Leveraging Expertise for Cost-Effective Solutions

At T.H.E., we understand the critical role cost plays in project success. Our comprehensive value engineering services ensure your project achieves its design vision within a realistic budget.

Value engineering is a systematic, collaborative process that analyzes project elements to identify cost-reduction opportunities without compromising functionality, safety, or long-term sustainability. Our team of experienced professionals works hand-in-hand with you throughout the design and construction phases to:

  • Uncover Cost-Saving Opportunities: We meticulously evaluate materials, systems, and construction methods to discover alternative solutions that deliver the same performance at a lower cost point.
  • Maximize Design Efficiency: We refine designs to optimize functionality and eliminate unnecessary complexities that can inflate project costs.
  • Enhance Long-Term Value: We consider the lifecycle of your project, recommending solutions that minimize maintenance expenses and maximize overall value.

Benefits of Choosing T.H.E. for Value Engineering:

  • Reduced Project Expenditures: Maximize your investment by identifying and implementing cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or performance.
  • Enhanced Project Feasibility: Translate your design goals into a financially viable reality.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Gain a clear understanding of cost drivers and the impact of design choices, enabling informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Increased Project Return on Investment (ROI): Deliver a project that not only meets your needs but also offers greater long-term value and financial return.
  • Collaborative Expertise: We work closely with you, architects, engineers, and contractors to develop a value-engineered solution that aligns with everyone’s goals.

A Comprehensive Approach to Value Engineering

Our value engineering services encompass a range of expertise to deliver optimal results:

  • Cost Analysis & Life Cycle Assessment: We analyze initial costs and consider long-term maintenance expenses for informed decision-making.
  • Alternative Material & Construction Method Selection: We explore alternative materials and construction methods that offer comparable performance at a lower price point.
  • Design Optimization: We refine designs to eliminate unnecessary complexities and streamline construction processes while maintaining functionality and aesthetics.
  • Value Engineering Workshops: We facilitate collaborative workshops to brainstorm cost-saving solutions with all project stakeholders.
  • Value Reporting & Documentation: We provide detailed reports outlining the identified cost-saving opportunities and their impact on the project budget and overall return on investment.
Value Engineering
Value Engineering




Identify Project

  • Identify study project
  • Identify project responsibilities
  • Define study goals
  • Prepare study outline
  • Prepare contractual documents

Select Team

  • Select team members
  • Select team leader
  • Select resource advisors
  • Determine study logistics
  • Conduct preparation meeting

Prepare Data

  • Collect and distribute data
  • Develop cost models
  • Determine project issues
  • Issue study charter




Inform Team

  • Outline study methodology
  • Present designer’s overview
  • Present stakeholder’s issues
  • Visit project site

Analyze Functions

  • Analyze project data
  • Identify project functions
  • Prepare FAST diagram
  • Determine cost by function

Create ideas

  • Focus on functions
  • List all ideas
  • Use group brainstorming
  • Use individual brainstorming




Evaluate ideas

  • Determine alternative criteria
  • Rate each idea
  • List advantages and disadvantages

Develop Alternatives

  • Develop alternative concepts
  • Prepare sketches and calculations
  • Estimate costs, LCC benefits/costs
  • Document alternatives, design suggestions

Present Alternatives

  • Group key alternatives
  • Identify mutual exclusivity
  • Give informal oral presentation
  • Record comments




Report Alternatives

  • Group key alternatives
  • Identify mutual exclusivity
  • Give informal oral presentation
  • Record comments

Assess Alternatives

  • Develop alternative concepts
  • Prepare sketches and calculations
  • Estimate costs, LCC benefits/costs
  • Document alternatives, design suggestions

Implement alternatives

  • Determine alternative criteria
  • Rate each idea
  • List advantages and disadvantages